On 09/01/20 14:33, Peter Goodhall (2M0SQL) wrote:
While I agree in part a lot of the telemetry satellites launched using ham freqs don't seem that relevant but in the case of Amicalsat it's highly relevant with it's science payload.
Is "Amicalsat" a satellite manufactured by the for-profit "SatRevolution S.A" company for csug.fr?
If so, it's even _less_ relevant to the mission of non-profit amateur radio. If the two aren't related, then I'm mistaken.
In any case, it appears to be a space weather satellite to send pictures down to earth. Do they even have an amateur callsign that will be transmitted? This one-way transmission, without much benefit to those outside the project, isn't furthering two-way amateur communications.
I respectfully disagree with you on its relevance in any way to amateur radio.
--- Zach N0ZGO