I will switch AO-51 into V/S mode duirng the 2 hours around the UTC date change tonight.
In addition to switching the mode, I need to downlink telemetry. I can not be any more precise exactly when the mode will completely switch. I plan on turning the L-Band uplink off, switching TXA to digital mode and getting the telemetry for the last few days. Depending upon conditions, I may have to turn TXB off for a while and increase TXA.
Regardless, by the end of the second east coast of the US pass 0115Z AO-51 will be in mode V/S.
V Uplink 145.880 MHz S Downlink 2401.200 MHz
Note that we will be using the 145.88 MHz uplink to keep those users that don't read the current mode information from interferring with those using the proper frequency pair.
This mode will last until UTC 12 May when we will enter the normal of
V/U analog 145.92/435.300 MHz L/U digital 1268.7/435.150 MHz
Enjoy V/U for the rest of this week.
73, Gould, WA4SXM AO-51 Command Station