AMSAT adopts Use Policy for AMSAT mail lists
The AMSAT Board of Directors unanamously adopted an Acceptable Use Policy for the AMSAT Public Mailing Lists on January 5, 2010. This policy takes effect immediately and applies to all those using the AMSAT mailing lists.
The policy can be read below in text format or is available via a link on the front page of the amsat.org Web site or directly from this link http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/images/fck_images/AMSAT%20AUP.pdf
Following the October 2009 AMSAT Board meeting Gould Smith, WA4SXM AMSAT VP of User Services appointed a committe to develop a use policy for the mailing lists. The members of the committe did an outstanding job of putting together a document that is acceptable to all the committe members and was passed without change by the BoD. Thank you to the committee members: Stephen Belter, N9IP; Alan Biddle, WA4SCA ; Mark Hammond, N8MH; Samudra Haque, N3RDX ;and Paul Williamson,KB5MU.
The policy will be added to the AMSAT Web site and included as part of the process when applying to join any of the AMSAT mailing lists. ================================================================================ Acceptable Use Policy for the AMSAT Public Mailing Lists
Approved by the AMSAT BoD 5 January 2010
The AMSAT Bulletin Board (AMSAT-BB) public mailing list carries general AMSAT information and discussion. The purpose of this mailing list is to provide a forum for general discussion of any satellite-related topic. The Space Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) public mailing list contains information and discussion pertaining to amateur radio operation on manned space missions, including the Space Shuttle, Mir (formerly), and the International Space Station. The name is leftover from the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) aboard Space Shuttle flights. It is now mainly concerned with ARISS operations aboard the International Space Station. There are also regional AMSAT public mailing lists (e.g., AMSAT-DC, AMSAT-Florida, and AMSAT-NE) and numerous private mailing lists (e.g., Board of Directors, Officers, AO-51 operations, etc.). Anyone can read the messages posted on any of the public mailing lists, and many people from around the world do so. Our audience includes AMSAT members, board members, and officers. At any given time, the readers may also include amateur radio operators, shortwave listeners, minors, potential financial donors, potential launch providers, officials from other amateur radio and satellite organizations, officials from international space agencies, and equipment suppliers and manufacturers. Since the archives of the public mailing lists are available on the AMSAT website, the contents of individual messages are easily found using common search engines. Because of this wide readership, AMSAT insists that messages posted on its public mailing lists conform to this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Acceptable Content We embrace diversity of opinions and values. In order to preserve a constructive environment, we do insist that messages contain appropriate content and are respectful of the members and readers of the list. All posts should include the author's first name and call sign, or full name if not currently licensed. In general, messages for the AMSAT mailing lists should be related to amateur radio satellites. Examples of on-topic posts include: * Announcements of general interest, including but not limited to AMSAT news, meetings, satellite availability, and DXpeditions. * Technical discussions, including the physics of space flight, modulation techniques, satellite design, RF path loss calculations, noise figure, etc. * Inquiries and suggestions about choosing equipment, learning operating techniques, and troubleshooting problems. * Discussion of AMSAT plans and policies in ways that foster better understanding of the opportunities, trade-offs, and limitations that AMSAT faces, and constructive suggestions for improvement. * Posting of amateur radio satellite-related equipment and software available for sale.
Unacceptable Content Strong disagreements on issues are inevitable, but the AMSAT mailing lists are not the place for exchanges which become spiteful, unproductive exchanges. If you must have a heated exchange, it should be conducted privately and not in public on a mailing list. We define unacceptable content as anything that is: * Illegal * Insulting, abusive, harassing, or threatening * Knowingly false or misrepresentative
Enforcement of this AUP Access to the AMSAT mailing lists is a privilege and not a right. While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently AMSAT reserves the right to take any actions it deems appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused. Violators of this policy may be subjected to manual moderation or have their ability to post messages suspended. Violators may or may not be warned prior to enforcement.
If you feel that you've been unfairly blocked from the list, you may appeal your situation in writing to: The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation Attention: AMSAT-BB 850 Sligo Avenue, Suite 600 Silver Spring, MD 20910
Your letter of appeal will be forwarded to the VP of User Services and the Director of Electronic Communications for consideration.