Hello folks,
great competition! FB ! Here I've NEW updates about the "longest distance" QSOs via AO-7. Actually, I've a few comments and I need your opinion in order to realise and make much better this list. Feel free to send me your comments, ideas, QSOs + QSL cards to my personal Email ([email protected]).
Now, my first comment is about this idea. I had a draft notice in my PC with "longest distance QSOs via AO-7". Just before 2-3 days, John LA2QAA wondered in our Sat-Forum (Eu-Amsat), if his QSO with AJ9K it was (or not) the "longest distance QSO". That was the begigning for me in order to realise and publish a list, so John's question it was the "trigger". (good-one John!)
2)ES1RF, Genna, he told me about inaccurate distance in a contact of list. He was probably right. So I need to check carefully all entries, that is too difficult. (Check please carefully your contact, before send it to me).
3)Today I received the Emails of i8CVS, Domenico. He send me also 2 nice QSL cards for QSOs via AO-6 & 7. So, as Domenico wrote and suggested in a way, it is necessary to have the QSL cards in order to confirm the record-list & QSOs. I agree 100%. I think nowadays that is very easy job. You can send me your scanned QSL card through an Email, as Domenico did it. Thus, the list will be much more accurate and valid. Very soon I will make a Web-page with this list and QSL cards. A mere example -under construction this moment- is here:
4)It will be more informative list, if including additional infos. I believe some "fields" like the Report, Mode, Smode are absolutely necessary. May be the Power-OUT as well. Another suggestion is about a small description of used antennas.
5) Someone asked me if is possible to create a "trophy", or award. OK, nowadays it is easy to design and make an Award. But I wondering: this ranking is not stable, we have active Satellites, so the record-list is impossible to stay unchanged for ever.
Today PH7AT & Wb4LHD are shared the 1st place. If after 2, 3 months, two other operators achieve a bit longer-distance QSO than PH7AT & WB4LHD, what must to do? If I have printed the PH7AT & WB4LHD's Awards for the 1st place, the next Hams will also have on their Shacks another "1st-place" Award !!? Right ?
6) I suggest to replace the "longest distance QSO" with "ODX" (Oscar-DX) abbreviation (tks to ES1RF).
7) I have also suggestions for: I) A new "WORLD-RECORD ODX" record-list (definitely via HEO... where are you AO-40? )
II) Record-Lists for FO-29 and other Satellites. However I don't know if we need too many Lists for each one Satellite or is enough a single List for all LEOs... let me know.
That's all folks ! Thanks for reading.
73, Mak SV1BSX
*THANKS also for updates - comments to: EB3JT KO4MA KB2M VE9QRP =================================
The new "updated" list is:
1) GOLD MEDALs --------------------- Date:17-Oct-2004 Calls: PH7AT<->WB4LHD SMode: AO-7/ Mode-B Report/Mode:--- locators: JO21WA<->EM55DB Distance ~7408 km.
2) SILVER MEDALs ----------------------- Date: 03-May-2005/22:49Z Calls:PH7PCF<->KO4MA SMode: AO-7/ Mode-B RPT/Mode:---/SSB locators: JO22JP <-> EL88PG Distance ~7385 km.
3) BRONZE MEDALs ------------------------ Date: 08-Jun-1976 Calls:i8CVS<->VA3AC Smode:--- RPT/Mode: SSB locators:JN70ES<->EN96LK Distance ~7237 km *CONFIRMED with QSL card ========================================
4) Date:26-Aug-2006/12:33Z Calls: ES1RF<->AJ9K Smode:--- RPT/Mode: 559/559 CW locators:KO29IF<>EN53FA Distance ~7155 km
*** New entry [UPDATE 30-Jan-2007] 5) Date:21-Nov-2006 Calls: EB3JT<->AJ9K SMode: AO-7/ Mode-B RTT/Mode:--- locators: JN01UI<->EN53EB Distance ~7114 km.
6) Date: unknown Calls: YL2LW<-> K8DID Smode:AO-7/Mode-B RPT/Mode:--- locators: KO26CW<->EN63SX Distance ~7078 km.
*** New entry [UPDATE 30-Jan-2007] 7) Date:19-Jan-2005/23:06Z Calls:G1WPR<->KO4MA Smode:--- RPT/Mode:--- locators: IO92OK<->EL88PG Distance ~7027 km
*** New entry [UPDATE 30-Jan-2007] 8) Date:24-Oct-2004/23:25 Calls: G4YSG<->KO4MA Smode:--- RPT/Mode:--- locators: IO93II<->EL88PG Distance ~6973km
*** New entry [UPDATE 30-Jan-2007] 9) Date:02-Jan-2003 Calls: DC8TS<->KB2M Smode:--- RPT/Mode:--- locators:JO30JP<->FM29 Distance ~6315
10) Date: 28/1/2007 Calls: LA2QAA<->AJ9K Smode: --- RPT/Mode:--- locators:JP33WB <->EN53FA Distance ~5469 km
.......to be continued !
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[email protected] http://www.qsl.net/sv1bsx
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