Hi Everyone, I am planning a trip to Santa Rosa Island CM93 this summer and have reservations booked for the ferry and the campground on the island. My wife and I will be flying to Seattle first to see our son in Vancouver, and doing some touring around Vancouver Island and then Olympia National Parkin Washington. I will activate grids as much as possible, but the grids below are the ones I think I am planning on at this time. After that we fly to Santa Barbara and will be on Santa Rosa Island CM93 Aug 20 / 21 / 22 (Mon, Tues, Wed). I will probably activate the CM93 / CM94 grid line from the island but at this point I don't know which passes will be from the grid line.I will focus on CM93 as my wife and I hike and do some bird watching. Apparently the island is very windy, so on Aug 20 and 21 I will also work some evening night passes when hopefully the winds will be quiet. I will activate on SO-50, AO-91 and AO-92. I'm just getting started on the linear birds and hope to be comfortable on FO-29 by Aug. Below are the dates and grids that I'm planning on at a minimum at this time. Note that I'm planning on a special side trip to CO50 the morning of Aug 13th if the road is decent. Patrick WD9EWK was there in 2010 and indicates it is a logging road not suitable for rental cars. I will probably have to decide this when I arrive in Port Hardy CO60. I'd love to activate CN69 but I don't see any easy way to do it given our other travel plans. I've broken activations down to morning and evening based on our current plans to drive between Seattle / Vancouver / Vancouver Island / Olympia National Park. We will fly from Seattle to Santa Barbara on Sat Aug 18th (all plane tickets are booked) and activate CM93 Aug 20/21/22. We arrive on the island at 3pm on the 20th and leave the island at 3pm on the 22nd. Morning EveningSun Aug 12 CO60Mon Aug 13 CO50 CN79Tue Aug 14 CN79 Wed Aug 15 CN87 Thur Aug 16 CN77,CN87 CN87 Mon Aug 20 CM93Tue Aug 21 CM93 CM93Wed Aug 22 CM93 Please email me at adodx at yahoo dot com if you have any questions or comments. Please note that the island does not have cell coverage so I won't be able to tweet specific pass information during my time on the island. If you are on the US east coast and are interested in working CM93 please send me an email 1 week prior to the trip when pass information is available and if we have a window on the FM birds or FO-29 I'll be glad to look for you specifically on a low easterly pass from Santa Rosa.
I hope this email isn't too premature, but I've had a few people ask about the dates for CM93 so they can make sure they are home to get the credit for the grid. Looking forward to activating and handing out some new grids this summer. Cheers, Ron, AD0DX