Nick Pugh wrote:
Hi AMSATERS I have ask the list before but have not gotten a good response. I am
looking for shareware program that will record audio based on time that you enter. Skypipe comes close but it only let's you put one record time.
Audacity is a nice piece of free software (which is not to be confused with shareware, but that's a different topic). It's a pretty full featured audio recorder. It's ported to Mac/Windows as well as Linux/Unix so it probably runs on your favorite OS.
Starting in version 1.3 it has a timed recording feature that might get your started: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/features-1.3-k.php
Audacity can also be programmed from a shell script or controlled from another small program if you are looking to do some sort of sophisticated timed recording, like record every AO-51 pass over my location.
jeff AD6EO