Hi Greg,
The battery current is not really negative under these conditions. This is just a small drift in the zero point of the measurement.
73, Tony AA2TX ---
On 8/20/2011 8:42 PM, Greg D. wrote:
Hii all,
ARISSAt-1 voice telemetry just now:
00:27z 8/21/2011 received at CM98
MET 42 min IHU Temp = +30c
Control panel temp = +20c
Battery 3??? (lost to QSB)
Battery current ??? ma
SSTV picture followed (a real one this time, not pre-recorded!), then off.
00:29z 8/21/2011 received at CM98
MET = 45 min IHU Temp = +31c Control panel temp = +20c Battery 35.66v Battery current -8ma
This was followed by 2 min off, and another voice announcement, children chanting, and then off again to LOS.
So, a question... Why, when the spacecraft is in full sun, is the battery current negative? I'm guessing that there some orientations that will not supply sufficient power for operations. If so, what happens when we lose the battery altogether? Reset? Or is there a shedding of load first when the voltage drops?
Greg KO6TH
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