26 Jul
26 Jul
8:05 a.m.
Wanting to upgrade my ham computer from XP/P4 to something newer and faster. Have used Nova, AEA ST-1, and Yaesu G-5500 for ever. Have a nice HP quad core machine with W7, that I cannot get to work with the ST-1, says cannot initialize port. Tried a couple of other units with same results, so I suspect it has something to do with the newer parallel ports.
So what am I missing ???
I would prefer to use a USB port of course, but cannot find any controllers now that are ready to go, or will work with Nova. I am trying to stay with Nova and the Yaesu G-5500
What is everyone else using these days?
Bill Booth VE3NXK
Sundridge ON, Canada
79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N
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