I was just advised that, contrary to the RS-44 line in the JE9PEL file, it should be REV rather than NOR. If so, that would explain a lot. 73, Bill NZ5N On Monday, November 30, 2020, 02:10:53 PM EST, Bill Dzurilla [email protected] wrote:
Hello, Does anyone have any tips for proper configuration of the Doppler.SQX file on SatPC32? I'm having a hard time getting it correct for RS-44. I started with the standard line from JE9PEL: RS-44 (DOSAAF-85),435640,145965,USB,LSB,NOR,0,0,SSB When I heard the sat, I started clicking the Uplink Calibration buttons in the CAT Control window until my voice sounded natural. It was pretty far off, something like 8800hz. To save, I clicked on Change/Store Data File and then clicked RX/TX Freq. Data. I thought this was all I needed to do, but on the next pass my TX and RX were again out of sync. On every pass, I need to start over, and each time the uplink frequency is several thousand hertz off. My current line is: RS-44 (DOSAAF-85),435631.85,145970.86,USB,LSB,NOR,0,0,SSB What am I doing wrong? Thanks and 73, Bill NZ5N