Hello Everyone,
As you probably know since several weeks in the sky is a Polish “bird” called PW-SAT2. It is a students’ project, and I’m not a PW-SAT2 member. The bird is sending data on 70cm band (about 435.275 MHz SSB).
On 29 Dec. 2018 at about 7:12 UTC, there will be the first trial of sail deployment. Now is 1k2 mode, however, the default mode is 9k6.
I cordially invite you to receive the signal from the PW-SAT2 and send automatically (software Run_PW-Sat2_Ground_Station ) the data to the PW-SAT2 team. The Run_PW-Sat2_Ground_Station software requires to load „credentials”, which you can get from your account on the https://radio.pw-sat.pl/ service. The PW-SAT2 team prepared also some competition for HAM operators.
In a case that first trial of sail deployment will not successful, then the next trials of sail deployment are scheduled for the next pass at about 8:47 UTC or on 5th Jan. 2019 at 7:52 and 9:27 UTC.
Signal 1k2 is possible to decode from almost all transceivers, however, SDR should be better. Signal 9k6 is wider then 1k2 and only a few radios can receive fill signal and decode, so SDR is better to use. The recommended configuration os the station is: antenna >> (LNA) >> SDR
I very appreciate to Piotr SP5ULN and PW-SAT2 team to advise about the software and hardware configuration.
More details and software are here: https://twitter.com/PWSat2 https://radio.pw-sat.pl/ https://github.com/PW-Sat2/HAMRadio/wiki
Good luck, 73 and Happy New Year! Armand SP3QFE