On 8/21/12, Clayton Coleman W5PFG [email protected] wrote:
I think it's time to stop recommending people use AL-800 or SRH320 -style extended whips for LEO newcomers. These antennas are very poor performers for working either SO-50 or AO-27. Even under an ideal pass, using these antennas will likely result in many missed calls. We all know "it can be done..." So can running a dogsled race with Chihuahuas.
When we had AO-51, reception on an extended whip was more viable. Now with AO-27 and SO-50, these "extended" rubber ducks have become much less viable options. Often the stations on a whip do not take into account their "handicap" and try to make contacts even though they are not hearing the bird.
It’s time to retire these extended whips as a recommendation since there are both inexpensive commercially-available gain antennas and many good home-brew designs.
I made my first satellite QSOs with my FT-817ND and the stock antenna that came with it. That combination was adequate provided the satellite was at a higher elevation and the downlink was strong and clear.
One drawback, however, was that I had to rotate my radio in order to hear the signal during a pass but that also meant that it affected my uplink. There were a lot of exchanges along the lines of "Huh?" and "What did you say?" during those contacts. I'm sure I missed a lot of potential QSLs because of that.
Those limitations alone persuaded me to get my Arrow Yagi.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL