The 11pm TV news reports that the Navy sucessfully destroyed USA-193 tonight at about 10:30 pm EST, or 03:30 GMT February 21. I suggest you keep watching the predicted passes, you might see some nice meteors in the next few days as the debris falls back to Earth. The latest keps posted on heavens-above are:
1 29651U 06057A 08050.77400802 .00256405 00000-0 29678-3 0 02 2 29651 58.5208 31.8067 0009932 58.7181 301.4893 16.08191854 02
Epoch (UTC): 6:34:34 PM, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Eccentricity: 0.0009932 Inclination: 58.5208° Perigee Height: 245 km Apogee Height: 258 km Right Ascension of Ascending Node: 31.8067° Argument of Perigee: 58.7181° Revolutions per Day: 16.08191854 Mean Anomaly at Epoch: 301.4893° Orbit Number at Epoch: 0
Dan Schultz N8FGV