Dear All,
Finally managed to copy some signals from SEEDS this evening (29th April 2008) after missing it this morning. Some CW telemetry decoded by myself are as follows:
Time:2248 Hours Local/1448 Hours UTC
Max Elevation: 57 degree
Time: 2115 Hours Local/1315 Hours UTC
Max Elevation: 3 degree
2343BD64FFE007009007007008008A02A059F9A511100000001000100010AC3064030 i
JQ1YGUSEE...........4001244DAD61FFE008009000000009008A55A58A5EAAD11000000010 001.....064030
JQ1YGUSEEDSG4001248E8D68FFEO.....00900800800796AA6B9629C31100000001000...... .....
Also tried to listen to the other satellites during the first pass but did not manage to hear anything else. Listened briefly for Cute-1.7+APDII on the second pass but did not hear anything. Concentrated on SEEDS as it was very loud and also I was operating from out of the shack via VNC/Teamspeak and did not want to mess things up.
For both passes, object C keps were used. Signals were strong with occasional QSB. Equipment used was IC-910H, 2x15 Element vertically polarized yagi with SP-7000 preamp. Due to my poor CW copying skills, I will post a recording of both passes shortly in case I copied some letters wrongly.
Sion Chow Q. C.,