Actually, they are intentinoally on the same frequency and they are intended to be dual or even triple hop possible (when PCSAT-1 is working).. Notice that both satelites respond to the same path VIA ARISS. SO you could use the path VIA ARISS,ARISS and get a dual hop. This ia also why we invite any other university or amateur satellite builder to add more spacecraft on this 1200 baud relay channel (with IARU coordination of course).
Thanks for your reply.
I have already tried "via APRSAT,APRSAT,SGATE a number of times, but so far without successs. I wasn't sure if this was an acceptable practice, so I had been discrete about it.
I have been previously successful once getting a dual hop between PCSAT-1 and the ISS (when it was operating on 145.825 MHz)
The ANDE & RAFT satellites maybe be a little difficult with simple omnidirectional antennas, but both are a breeze with just a little more antenna.
I use nothing more than a horizontally polarised 6 element beam. It's home built and that without any fancy tools. It's horizontally mounted and steerable in azimuth with a simple rotator. I mention this just to make the point that both are really pretty easy satellites to work with just a little more antenna.
Both satellites are very quiet down here and I very seldom see any other users. I end up gating my own packets. This does allow me to experiment since I'm not obstructing anyone else.
I'll persevere with further dual hop tests in the future now that I understand it's okay to do so.
I am of course aware of ANDE-1's rather finite power reserve and do keep that in mind.