Hi Folks,

Launch delayed until 13th.
From SpaceX web page: SpaceX is targeting no earlier than Thursday, April 13 at 11:47 p.m. PT (06:47 UTC on April 14) for Falcon 9’s launch of the Transporter-7 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

Terry Osborne ZL2BAC

On 8/04/2023 9:20 pm, christophe.mcr via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Dear all

The INSPIRE-Sat 7 satellite is scheduled to be launched on the SpaceX Transporter 7 mission on 11 April 2023 at 06:48 UTC . The INSPIRE-Sat 7 satellite is a university project carried out by the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (France) on behalf of LATMOS (UVSQ, Sorbonne University, Université Paris Saclay, CNRS).

This satellite is a demonstrator for experimenting new technologies with a strong involvement of students. This satellite allows the experimentation of miniaturized remote sensing sensors that could be used for multi-point observation of essential climate variables (ECV) and the ionosphere.

INSPIRE-Sat 7 carries :
  • A 435.200 MHz telemetry channel with BPSK mode - GR3UH 9k6
  • An FM transponder with an uplink of 145.830 MHz and a downlink of 435.200 MHz. The FM transponder is expected to be active at least twice a month, depending on the satellite power budget.
  • The SPINO card that will be activated for experimentation
To receive the telemetry, a software has been developed: KissTool . It is available for Windows & Linux:

Linux: https://site.amsat-f.org/download/118791/?tmstv=1680945385

Windows :  https://site.amsat-f.org/download/118784/?tmstv=1680945385

The user manual is available in French ( https://site.amsat-f.org/josast-kisstool/ ) and English ( https://code.electrolab.fr/xtof/josast/-/blob/27-new-application-for-spino/ApplicationKissTool/src/site/markdown/UserManual.md )




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