I use SDRConsole with an SDRPlay 2, it has satellite tracking, doppler shift & NOVA compatible rotator DDE built in as well as remote control / doppler for an external TRX - all from a single bit of software.
I use this with PSTRotator to control the rotator, I have a pair of Wimo Xquads , feed from each band connected to a switch - from one side of each switch I feed a 2m/70cms diplexer that feeds my SDR - the other side of the switches usually gives 2m/70cms
to Kenwood TS-2000, or sometimes via another 2m/70cms diplexer into my Yeasu FT-991.
This gives me the best of both worlds - it allows me to receive both 2m/70cms downlinks straight into the SDR and can use a 'stereomix' 'input' to feed audio from the SDR into telemetry decoding software, it also allows me to transmit via VHF / UHF up to the
I do lose a bit of sensitivity with the diplexers, but on the plus side this does give a good amount of cross band isolation - just need to remember to make sure you have the switches in the correct 'direction' for the operations you want.
It's a great solution for being able to see your uplink on the waterfall and tune to other stations, but there is a bit of delay converted the SDR IQ into audio, so this can be a bit disconcerting until you get used to it.
I didn't really get on with SDRUno, but have been a very happy user of SDRConsole since it was first created.
Best 73's
I’ll third the comments by Joe and Alan. I have the RSPdx and have used it in numerous ways. At the moment it is part of my combined station and get a fair amount of use for monitoring band activity. I use a discone as well... as a dedicated
V/UHF antenna on one input and through an SDR switch on HF. Very versatile with SDRuno.
Jack - KD4IZ
Sent from my iPhone
Hi, I have an RSP2 that I connect up to an Arrow Yagi for 2m -70 cm amateur reception and a homebrew LHCP L band helix for LEO/MEO SAR downlink reception ( Via a couple of switches and LNAs). I like it and SDRUno a lot. PST Rotator and Com0CoM
can be used for doppler compensation ( K3RRR has a nice YouTube video on this). I'm sure there are other good approaches too.
If I may ask if any members are using SDRPlay as monitoring for downlink signals? If so, what software is your preference or suggestions?
I own a SDRPlAYdx and getting it out of mothballs.
Reply directly please. (
[email protected] ). I don't want to interfere with the High Level BB traffic.
Jerry AB5R
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