Hi Ryan!
Have tried repeatedly with no success. I've received APRS beacons on 145.825 from BT & MY, but they're weak.
Unfortunately even on very high passes with 50w & a directional tracking antenna, there has been no hint of any digipeats from any of them. FYI, I've tried the standard "ARISS" path as well as the various names & call signs of the individual satellites.
-Scott, K4KDR
-----Original Message----- From: Ryan Noguchi via AMSAT-BB Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 12:40 PM To: AMSAT BB Subject: [amsat-bb] Any BIRDS-2 digipeats or QSOs yet?
Has anyone been successful in digipeating (or making QSOs) on the BIRDS-2 satellites yet? I don't think I've seen any positive reports here on QRZ.com, Twitter, or AMSAT-BB, although the BIRDS-2 team reported the digipeater has been active since 8/23.
I'm going to try the 1832Z pass in a couple of hours. Maya-1 should be in digipeating mode per the published Comm plan. Then will be on ISS at 1849Z.
73, Ryan AI6DO