Hi Jim,
when the 9k6 pacsats UO-22, KO-23, KO-25 were operational about 15 and more years ago my friend DL9BU
(sadly deceased in the meantime) and I have been trying very hard over a long period of time to work these satellites with the built-in TNC of our TS-2000s. We didn't succeed. We've come to the conclusion that for some reason the TNC doesn't work for this. We then used the Symek TNC 2H and TNC 3S.

Am 07.12.2022 um 17:22 schrieb Jim McCullers:

Has anyone on the list used a Kenwood TS-2000 to communicate with FalconSat-3?

If so, can you pass along the menu settings that work?


I’m using a borrowed TS-2000 and am still in the learning phase on the menu settings.


The audio chain is working with local packet at 1200bps consisting of a DigiRig, using UZ7HO SoundModem and EasyTerm.

For FalconSat-3 the chain is DigiRig – UZ7HO hs-soundmodem – G0KLA PacSatGround.

Based on my  interpretation of the hs_soundmodem waterfall display I’m seeing no data from the TS-2000 when attempting FalconSat-3 communication.


I’m certain I have a menu configuration problem and am looking for suggestions.


FalconSat-3 does not have long to live, predicted to de-orbit in February and is now active for 24 hours or so on the weekends.


Any assistance will be appreciated.


Jim McCullers




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