----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Nutter" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 10:02 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-51 Mode S Antenna question
I have one of the K5GNA modified downconverters with the corner reflector attached. Since starting to set my satellite station back up, this is one area that I hadnt addressed. I have my antennas mounted to a Channel Master rotor on a commercial TV tripod. The antennas are angled at about 25 degrees because of some ground clutter, trees, etc that I have to shoot over to get to the satellites.
With this setup, can I mount the Mode S downcoverter and have a reasonable chance at getting it to work or should I look at some type of patch antenna to get better signal picket ? Is mode S a little less unforgiving so that I have to have it more directed at the satellite than I can get away with on my current VHF/UHF antenna setup ?
The mode S downlink on AO-51 is pretty easy to receive with a corner reflector without critical aiming: there's a video somewhere of Drew (I think...) making contacts with just such a downconverter/corner reflector combo just laying on its side on the roof of his car... The real trick is the doppler: 3x as much as on 70 cm! CAT tuning is a must.
George, KA3HSW