Mine was on Oscar 6 & 7, mode A
Drake TR-4 and quad loop laid horizontally for recv.
Transmit was a 4 ele cushcraft fox hunt beam, and a rock bound FM two meter tranny with dev and mic gains turned fully down, and we straight keyed the PTT.
and amazingly it was pretty clean just a barely detectable chirp, but heard lots worse chirpers in those days on HF. so felt pretty good.
Workked in less than a year like 28 states with the 10 wayy FM rig running cw.
John W Lee wrote:
RS 10/11 worked out real good for me. I was doing a lot of travelling in 1987-90, and was able to make a lot of mobile QSO's using an IC-230 (10 watts on CW) with one frequency in the middle of the passband, quarter wave antenna on the uplink, and receiving on an FT-301 with Hustler 10-meter mobile antenna. Amazing !
I was keying the PTT through the accessory jack and a Vibroplex bug ! And the CW sounded good, too !
73 JOhn K6YK
--------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tony Langdon [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 12:33:53 +1000 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: RS series mode A downlink power Message-ID: [email protected] References: [email protected] [email protected]
At 12:14 PM 9/17/2009, you wrote:
As per the Satellite Experimenter's Handbook 2nd edition:
Power output: 5 watts for RS10/11 Power output : 8 watts PEP for RS-12/13
Interesting, I had better results on RS10 than RS12/13. Was RS10's uplink more sensitive?
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com
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