Hello all,
I will be leading a Radio Merit Badge class at the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Texas, EM12, this Saturday, September 10th. We will be using K2BSA/5 as our active call for the day and I will attempt a low angle AO-27 pass with an AOS for me of 18:22 (+ for satellite turn on), an AO-51 pass with an AOS of 21:08 and maybe but not likely, a SO-50 pass at 21:44. Rig will be my Arrow antenna and the HT but maybe a small amplifier for a bit extra punch. There will be Scouts in tow observing and maybe throwing out the all-be-it not so rare EM 12 grid. Please help me out and pro-actively call for K2BSA/5. You will bring a level of excitement to the Scouts taking the class and maybe helping to spur further interest in our fine hobby.
Also please look for us on the HF bands near the Scout frequencies and for those local in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, on the Irving 146.72 and the Cedar Hill 442.400 repeaters as we demonstrate Ham Radio to the Merit badge Scouts and other visitors to the National Scouting Museum. Schedules are welcome.
73 and hope to see you on the birds this Saturday.
Tom Schuessler, N5HYP [email protected]