Kevin bring up an interesting point about the validity of HuskySat-1 elements and their "freshness". Usually element sets are good for a week or more, at least for ham purposes where we have fairly wide beam widths. The exception is the ISS, the only spacecraft we have in nasabare.txt that maneuvers, and we keep its element sets "fresh" by applying updates from Johnson Spaceflight Center several times per day. Husky-Sat 1 will be testing a thruster early in its mission, and endeavors to demonstrate a delta-V of 100m/sec or more. This could cause the accuracy of element sets to degrade more quickly than usual. Do we know if the University of Washington people are doing any orbit estimation/determination?
Also, I updated nasabare.txt with the fresher elements Kevin posted. Given that he has more than 2500 packets received, I'll use what he is using.
de Joe KM1P