6 Oct
6 Oct
5:16 a.m.
On 5 Oct 2008 at 18:27, Michael Heim wrote:
I noticed, while listening in using either antenna, a noticeable amount of deep fades on the bird. I'm not sure if it was caused by reflections nearby, or uplink fades on 1269 mhz.
Hi Michael
If your fades are on the S band downlink it is you downlink antenna who probably gives you the fades. I tested a standard BBQ grill screen meshed and i also got theses huges fades. When i switched to a linear 42 stacked elements (A WIFI antenna) theses fades disappear completely. as AO-51 S band antenna is linear i guess a linear antenna is the best choice?
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE