Hello AMSAT, I wish to make an inquiry to those AMSAT members that might also be active on ATV. There is a group of us who each morning get on the air starting around 7:30 to exchange "live" ATV on 439.25 MHz. Our contacts are coordinated on 3930 KHz. For several mornings this week we've had some very strong openings getting P5 pictures consistently over distances up to about 180 miles. Some of the stations involved are WB8LGA, Marengo. OH, W8URI, Mt Gilead,OH, KA8MFD Edison, OH, W8RVH, Springfield. OH, KB8GUE Leesburg, OH, WA9EEI Taylorsville, IN, and W4HTB, Bowling Green, KY. By checking the local Nexrad Radars we note extensive ground clutter with extended reflections beyond, which we believe relates to a propagation mechanism contributed by very hot days and cool nights. . This morning there were similar patterns on Pittsburg, Pa, State College, Pa and Buffalo, NY Nexrads. We wish to appeal to ATV stations especially in these locations and even further East and to the West to be on the lookout for ATV DX to the West.. Please give us a call on 3930. Thanks. 73, Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio