I tottaly agree with Ted, i have a single moxon (not turnstile) for VHF LEO satellite and works quite good. Also i have another, a moxon turnstile for 436 LEO satellites and it work relatively fine, but average gain is only good enough for SSB satellites. For FM reception a good LNA is mandatory. Right now i don't have any LNA neither for VHF or UHF (that's why I always work AO-27 with my arrow antenna). I can tell you that even a single moxon is almost enough, at least for VHF, for UHF the signal loss is greater so the incoming signal is not enough for FM, but i can at least hear and see on the FFT spectrum display any SSB or CW, they usually show up with at least10dB over the noise background.
The moxon are greats but a good LNA just after the antenna will be very helpfull. One more thing, for a smoth recieving pattern is better to put the antenna close to the roof, this avoid the nulls and fadings but compromise the reception at low elevation angles.
Well, that's all. Just my little experience with these great antennas. Good Luck all,
Raydel, CM2ESP
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ted" [email protected] To: "'Samudra Haque'" [email protected]; "'Edward Cole'" [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:49 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: EggBeater
Hi Samudra, consider a better alternative to the 'egg beater': Moxon turnstile....much better performance. I will e-mail the article from qst. Also, consider an Elk 2m/440 yagi at a fixed elevation and on a Radio Shack rotor.
GL, Ted, K7TRK
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