Today's ops were from RK07 on JO-97, QK97 on RS-44 and XW-2F, and QK86 on CAS-4A/4B. I was on three other passes, but did not make any contacts.
For tomorrow (5/9), I'll try to be on from QK66 on CA-4A/4B at 09/0300Z (midday LT), then from either QK66 or QK65 on RS-44 at 09/0900Z and from QK65 on CAS-4A/4B at 09/0940-0955Z. A short time later, I will probably be in QK55 for XW-2A at 09/1030Z, JO-97 at 1115Z, and CAS-4A/4B between 09/1120-1135Z. As we move west, we're finally coming into range of IO-86 for its late evening activation, and I'll try it at local AOS at 09/1212Z for the last few minutes before it turns off. Its passes were pretty busy when I was in this region last year. We're also in range of FO-29's operating periods, but my work schedule gets in the way.
We have our 10th and final time change tonight; we'll be at GMT+10 for the rest of the way. 73/Jim, ND9M