Perhaps trying http://amsat.org.ar/pass
You can click on ovals type of sats to reduce provided sats.
Will provide a second look on the birds.
73, lu7abf, Pedro
On 3/17/21, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
I've been happy using AMSATDROID-Free for several years. My onlycomplaint has been needing to scroll through a long list of SATs thatare meaningless to me to find the one I want. But, I just discovered a new one (to me) that has many features that aremuch more useful and easier to operate with a better display. The listingof upcoming SAT passes is very much like WinAOS. The AOS timecountdown and the view of the moving realtime footprint is very helpful. There is a seemingly endless list of SATs that can be selected, but you canchoose ONLY the ones you are interested in and they will be the only onestracked and displayed just like WinAOS. It is going to be the SAT App that I'll be using on my phone from now on!! de Bob K8BL P.S. It's free, but there is a way to show your appreciation. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rtbishop.look4sat&hl=e...