Listen to FUNcube-1 during Solar Eclipse http://amsat-uk.org/2015/03/09/funcube-1-and-solar-eclipse/
Sarah Brightman’s fellow astronaut gets ham license http://amsat-uk.org/2015/03/08/sarah-brightmans-co-astronaut/
RSGB respond to Ofcom 5G consultation - 47 GHz Amateur Satellite Allocation http://amsat-uk.org/2015/03/06/rsgb-respond-to-ofcom-5g-consultation/
There will be a special FUNcube-1 AO-73 Fitter Message for Science and Astronomy Weekend (SAW) March 21-22. Among the stations active will be GB0SAW in Basildon, Essex. Mike Lynn @Mike_L G1KOT tweets: Great to hear that @AMSAT_UK are sending out our fitter msg for our SAW event.. @e2v @OfficialHPI @wsplc only weeks to go!! @BritSciAssoc
The Sunday Times newspaper covered Sarah Brightman's upcoming mission to the International Space Station (ISS) http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/newsreview/features/article1527951.ece A press conference is slated for March 10. $50SAT/MO-76: 15 month update http://amsat-uk.org/2015/03/05/mo-76-15-months/
Good luck to the Warwick University WUSAT CubeSat team flying out to Sweden March 9 for the sub-orbital launch https://www.facebook.com/amsatuk/posts/849607015082349
---- Trevor M5AKA AMSAT-UK Website http://amsat-uk.org/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/amsatuk Twitter https://twitter.com/AMSAT_UK ----