Hi All, It's December again ... (ho -ho-ho) ... and consequently my administrative privilages for The AO-7 Resource Page log have expired.
(This means I can no longer edit the mistakes)
Emily N1DID hasn't responded to my mails so the log will probably very soon get out of hand again.
Frank (K9CIS) on orbit 51248 at 23:27 you've logged K3SZH twice for the same QSO.
Each station can still edit their own entry (but nobody else's) by clicking on the hourglass at the left of your entry. A new screen will pop up and you can just correct any mistakes.
PLEASE !!! be careful to enter the correct data because if you don't notice your error it will soon throw the log statistics out of whack and defeat the entire object of the log ... which is an ACTIVITY log *NOT* a contest log.
I have administered the log for three years but am now concentrating on a different long term activity regarding AO-7 which, hopefully, will benefit the entire amateur satellite community - commencing in the spring of 2008.
A request to the ANS editor regarding careful entries in the log and how to edit it would be very much appreciated.
73 John. [email protected]