Hey All, I am having a senior moment.....it is hell to get old. I am trying to pin down the passes of FO-29 for October 19. I know there is a place to simply plug in the date and voila, have what I need. Perhaps someone can help this old fart out and provide a link or directions. Yep, October 19 is JOTA and we plan to put Troop 123 on the satellite from Galveston Island State Park. We will use the call W5S. I just need to figure out when FO-29(and others) or perhaps even SO-50(provided we can get a word in...terrific that satellites are loved so much) come flying above us. Just trying to Be Prepared as the Boy Scout Motto says and do my good turn daily. On my honor I will do my best to make a satellite contact happen.
73, -james W5AOO