AMSAT alerted the US Space Force 18th Space Defense Squadron of a glitch in their systems that prevented updates of publicly available element sets for BeliefSat-0 after January 4th. USSF 18 SDS thanked AMSAT for the notice and restored public updates on January 30th.
BeliefSat-0's Principal Investigator Professor Shinde of K J Somaiya Institute of Technology thanked AMSAT for arranging the fix and requested reception reports. Hams in equatorial regions are encouraged to submit reports to the AMSAT status pagehttp://www.amsat.org/status and/or schedule observations in SatNogshttps://satnogs.org/. The spacecraft is in an equatorial orbit and rises above the horizon for ground stations located between approximately 20 degrees south and 20 degrees north latitude. BeliefSat-0 is expected to remain in orbit and operational until early April 2024.
Details of the BeliefSat-0 payload can be found on the BeliefSat-0 GitHub https://github.com/NewLeapKjsieit/BeliefSat-0/ . It is a hosted payload on the POEM-3https://www.isro.gov.in/POEM-3_Mission_achieves_Payload_objectives.html spacecraft, a repurposed upper stage of an Indian Space Research Organization rocket.
Joe Fitzgerald (KM1P)
AMSAT Orbital Elements Manager/IT Team