Back to the "Good Ole Days". The best antenna I ever had to receive sat signals on 10 meters was a pair of crossed dipoles at an angle of 45 degrees to the steel tower. It worked very well in several configurations. The two dipoles were:
1. Just tied in parallel. Impedance matching was a little bit of a concern 2. I tried a pair of impedance matching stubs much like that used for circular polarized antennas for 2 m and 70 cm. 3 I tried a pair if relays that allowed me to select any pair of the four legs for some sort of directivity using the tower as a "reflector"
I used this configuration for all the old AMSAT and Russian mode A birds with with much better than avearge success. Helpful ?? Hope so!
Jim Jipping, W8MRR AMSAT # 5512 Low number translates to old geezer