I have paid for SatPC32 and am grateful for Erich and AMSAT for making it available to the sat community and for improving it regularly.
At the same time I find it could use many improvements. I have no problem editing text files but it is obviously not something everyone gets.
The question should be, what do we lose by having a way to edit that in the GUI?
I also find it counter intuitive in ways. For example, there are text box fields where you can put a cursor inside it and highlight the text, and this text is something you might want to adjust, but it is just for display.
Just checked the program to make sure my memory is correct. One example is Rotor Setup > Time Interval. Yes there are arrows to adjust it right next to it but why is it highlightable?
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Mon, Jun 8, 2020, 16:42 Thomas Schaefer via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Absolutely true. I too appreciate the complexity of the task that SatPC32 is trying to do well, But we do it and everyone that uses it a disservice to treat it as a sacred cow above suggestions for improvement. The concept of going to a text file and manually editing it to add a new satellite in a Windows program is 2020 is mind-boggling. That is certainly not any definition of user-friendly. While Erich tries to make it easy to find it by using the menus to open the text files, focusing on a decent editor rather than a new radio would be a boon to user the user experience.
No doubt I will be flamed immediately for daring to write this, and people are welcome to use a different program (MacDoppler,etc), let’s not jump all over a newer (and not so new) user for having the temerity to question if this is as good as it gets to manually edit text files. No doubt I will soon be banished to the realm of those that dare to criticize anything related to SatPC32, but let’s be honest.
Before I am accused of not thanking Erich for his donation of SatPC32, I do appreciate it. And while I could say think of all the new operators that would have a better experience if SatPC32 was just a little bit easier to use, I am also cognizant that adding new users may not be in the best interest of some—especially those that immediately jump upon any user for the first mistake they make (calling them a LID, bad mounting them on this reflector and social media, etc).
Go ahead..let me have it.
Tom Schaefer, NY4I Blog: www.ny4i.com Madeira Beach, FL (Grid: EL87ot)
On Jun 8, 2020, at 4:18 PM, Michael Walker via AMSAT-BB <
[email protected]> wrote:
Let me chime in on this as this strikes a nerve with me, a d if I offend you, my apologies but I think it needs to be said as a new user.
I work in the retail industry for Ham Radio (most know what I do).
I talk to customers all day long and they come from all walks of life and all education levels. Most new hams do not have the technical
they some of us have and they need some very basic information and mentoring to get over the hump. This is a confusing hobby for new hams. AMSAT has not been good at helping out very new users. They want to have fun and actually communicate as well they do want to understand.
Some learn well from reading. Some from Videos and some from 1 on 1 coaching on the phone so they can ask questions.
I will be the first to admit that getting started with SATpc32 for a new operator is difficult. I spent a few weeks at it and nothing phases me
technology and integration. This is why I did the intro video on
on how to navigate the GUI that I have received LOTS of emails on and how it get them out of 1st gear. Oh, and I searched YouTube before I did the video and everything I saw assumed you knew how to drive SATpc32. So, I do the video and all I get is slammed by AMSAT members for assuming I did not having a licensed copy. What a friendly bunch.
I was about a day from selling a new IC-9700, rotators, ERC controller
antennas. Why would I want to be part of a group that didn't really want to help. No wonder the hobby is dying.
Don't get me wrong, it is an amazing piece of software and it does what
does amazingly. My rant is not about the software it is about those that don't like the simple questions.
Yes, it is a technical hobby but hams new to this part of the hobby do
understand the terms and how it affects the operation of trying to make a QSO.
Updating for a new satellite is not easily understood and despite all the instructions that people tossed at me, none worked to get RS44 functional when it came out. And, yes, I read the manual. A LOT. The manual
you to be a seasoned and educated Satellite operator.
For those that spend some one on one time, I think you in advance for all your mentoring as I am sure many have benefitted from your contributions.
For those that say "RTFM" consider where you started and who helped you
get out of 1st gear. RTFM doesn't work for everyone. In fact, it has the opposite effect by scaring new members/operators away.
*** Remember, there is no stupid question. ***
Mike va3mw
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