I built the AA2TX 70 cms Easi Lindenblad exactly to the dimensions in Tony's article. I modified the hub to make use of materials easily available here in England. A 4 way plastic moulded electrical conduit junction box makes the hub very easy. I suggest you see if they are available in your country. I keept ALL the RF parts, dipole and reflectors as specified. I cut the reflectors slightly overlength the used a file to get them spot on and all identical.
On receive the Easi Lindenblad worked superbly. Mounted on a short pole out in the opoen, about 2m above ground, the 80mw cubesats could be copied almost on the horizion with a short run of co-ax straight into an FT817. LO-19, my primary test satellite was 59 at high elevations.
I can recomend this design, its far easier to construct than the "traditional" Lindenblad with folded dipole elements and phasing harness.
Thanks Tony
73 John G7HIA