Pretty excited I heard my first satellite tonight, but not without beginner's mistakes. I was not trying to hit the satellite with TX tonight, just listening to learn the proper exchange.
I think I did my homework and have programmed SO-50 frequencies in my TH-D72a correctly. I put the radio TX in the VFO "B" position, and all of the RX in the "A" and turned on full duplex. I left the squelch one up from open. I hooked my arrow antenna up, and held the antenna right at the satellite. Nothing. Then I switched to VFO A (RX) and held the monitor (squelch open) and heard some folks. While still in VFO A, I switched memory locations while holding the monitor on, to make sure I was on frequency (these RX memories account for doppler). When I heard a QSO, I let go of the monitor and the signal did not break squelch.
So my question: Must I leave squelch all the way wide open when working FM satellites?
If so, I guess that I need to buy some headphones so I do not introduce feedback into the TX side while in full duplex.
Could some of you seasoned satellite folks help a new guy out?
thank you Kevin (KK4YEL)
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