On Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:08:18 -0400 "William Liporace - NA2NA" [email protected] wrote:
I have been looking for some thing that will control the rotor & the radio. I have the TS-790 & the ARRL SatTracker 688 controller.... Still do not have one program to do both (Linux or Windows). Have not looked at it lately either :-)
I expect to add Doppler tuning and rotor control in the next version of gpredict. I expect to use the Ham Radio Control Libraries (http://hamlib.sf.net) as backend driver, and if the protocol specs for the ARRL SatTracker 688 controller are available I can add that to hamlib, too. Although gpredict is designed and developed under Linux, it is known to work on most modern desktop environments including Mac OSX and Windows XP (don't know about Vista).
Will WC2L
73 Alex OZ9AEC