While planning upgrades to the shack, I've decided to try my hand at the linear birds again, taking myb TS-2000 outside and operating Semi portable. So far it has been a lesson in frustration. I've yet to find my downlink. Tonight I tried to get on XW-2C on the 0100UT pass which was 70 degrees from DM33.
First let me describe how I set up. (I finally solved the memory storage issue I wrote about a few weeks ago). basically it's just the radio into an ELK on my equatorial tripod mount and the laptop (Still waiting for the USB-->Serial converter to get SATPC 32 talking to the radio).
So I started at the center of the passband and using the doppler corrections in SAtPC, tuned the UHF uplink down to where Sat POC said it would hear at the sat and moved around bit trying to hear myself. Kept adjusting the uplink and also played with the other way Calling CQ on the uplink and moving the downlink trying to find myself.self Didn't hear jack the whole pass.
I did record the pass and thought I might have heard myself, but it was toow eak to discern my call or grid, (though it did kinda sound like me).
So, I guess I have two questions:
1) Is my methodology correct? if not what am I doing wrong?
2) Did anyone hear me?
I'm hoping once I get the Cable and SATPC talking to the radio, it might make it easier, but I think knowing how to do this manually should be skillset i should have.
Thanks in advance.
Rick Tejera (K7TEJ)
Saguaro Astronomy Club
Thunderbird Radio Club
623-203-4121 (cell)