Hi Sean,

I would be cool if we could work from Kauai to Alaska.
I'm near Fairbanks in BP64

Where are you going to operate on Kauai?


John Antonuk

[email protected]

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 03:59:54 AM AKDT, Sean Kutzko via AMSAT-BB <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi all-

I’ll be active from the island of Kauai (BL01/02) as KX9X/KH6. Activity will be “holiday-style” on linear and FM sats (no GreenCube), plus some occasional QRP HF.

Follow me on Twitter/X at @seankutzko or watch the website hams.at for pass info, when the trip gets a bit closer.

Hope to work you.


Sent from the iPhone of Sean, KX9X


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