On 1/26/25 10:30, Aiden via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Just joined this list last week. I got licensed in may of last year. I’m not sure people understand how immensely discouraging this is to someone new to the hobby, and even newer to the satellite sub hobby. I signed up hoping there would be satellite discussion, not political discussion.
Please let me reassure you that this recent off-topic traffic is not the norm for amsat-bb, nor is it acceptable behavior for this list.
If it continues, we may need to take actions which could result in removal of those responsible for the off-topic threads from this list. AMSAT should not tolerate off-topic (Amateur Radio and Satellites) traffic on this list, especially when the subject takes a controversial tone.
We're here to keep Amateur Radio in space. Let's all agree on that and cut out the non-productive soap-boxing.
--- Zach N0ZGO AMSAT Director