This is some of the activity that I know of currently taking place in the "New OSCAR Subband"
144.3400 FM ATV Network Calling Primary (Secondary freq is 146.4300) 144.3600 AM Military Radio Collectors Association - East Coast (WW2 Aircraft Sets) 144.3900 FM Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Primary (Secondary freq is 144.9900) 144.4000 AM Old Nationwide Calling/Simplex (New freq is 144.4500) 144.4000 AM Military Radio Collectors Group (West Coast) 144.4000 AM Pacific Northwest 144.4250 AM New England 144.4500 AM Military Radio Collectors Association - East Coast 144.4500 AM Military Radio Collectors Group - West Coast 144.4500 AM Arizona, California, New Jersey, New York
The regional AM net info is current as of this year, the info was collected from several blogs and reflectors with recent date/time stamps. The MRCA info is listed on their website. The MRCG info I collected from the Santa Paula event in August, there was a lot of interference on 144.4000 from APRS due to the wideband filters used on the older green radios so comms were moved to 144.4500 MHz.