Okay, my 35 ele M2 is about 10 feet long: http://www.m2inc.com/index2.html
They do sell a 22 element version that is about 6' long: http://www.m2inc.com/index2.html
Mark N8MH
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Mark L. Hammond [email protected] wrote:
I installed one of these a few months ago, in place of my 20-turn Wimo helix. Both are nice antennas, but I'll give the edge to the M2 yagi (more gain and it mounts balanced on the elevation boom). I have mine with vertical polarity. Since AO-51 is linear on L-band, it shouldn't matter--but putting that little antenna horizontal in line with my metal boom didn't seem to make much sense....
Mark N8MH
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Stan, W1LE [email protected] wrote:
M2 makes a 35 element 1296 MHz yagi, on about a 6' boom. individual elements are insulated "thru the boom" with keepers. Folded dipole driven element. I used 2 each stacked vertically for AO-40. Yes, they are pointy.
Stan, W1LE Cape Cod FN41sr
On 9/22/2010 1:52 AM, Art McBride wrote:
Greg, I would keep the one that works the best. I have been disappointed in the performance of long boom Yagi's for UHF. Resistance loss in the elements often reduces the gain by several dB over calculated gain. Also they are very narrow band, the helix is good for an octave. Art, KC6UQH --
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-- Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]