Thanks for your comments. On 09/10/2017 11:40 PM, Matthew Stevens wrote:
Like Mike said, you don't have to spend $1000 to get started on linears. There are plenty of used rigs to be had for cheap, like the ft-290, older model 817s, etc. No, you probably can't go buy a brand new in the box linear sat station for the same cost as a baofeng and arrow. But with a little bit of hamfest and eBay hunting you can get on the air for much less than $1000.
Over the years, I suppose I could have saved up my dollars and bought one of the rigs that you mentioned (wasn't even acquainted with the FT-290). I am one to tinker, though and I've always had pleasure in building and learning. Also, whatever I build, I can always repair. Don't think the same can be said for a commercial rig. Anyway, that's the choice I have made.
I'm not sure about cw being simpler to operate on sats, I find it kind of difficult while operating portable at least. Too many things to do with not enough hands! As long as people keep their power down though, it seems to work fine as far as the transponder is concerned. I've heard just as many QRO guys in SSB causing problems as I have on CW.
I'm not surewhether your are referring to something I said, or something Mike said. In my original post, I figured that while a CW-mode rig might be less expensive to field, other 'barriers' would arise.
Your idea for a rig is interesting Mac, and might be worth exploring. I just don't want anyone to think they have to go out and buy a brand new pair of 817s or a 9100 to operate linears! If you've got an 817, 857, IC7000, or similar all-in-wonder rig then you've already got what you need. Else, check around for some older, used v/u rigs. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who are on linears every day using setups just like I've described.
I understand what you are saying Matt. I'm truly curious,though, to see how low the cost of a rig can be driven. The use of DSB vs SSB in a possible venue of really driving down the cost, while maintaining voice-mode compatibility. The only downside is the doubling of bandwidth of the channel and the attendant lower power efficiency of DSB compared to SSB.
Mac / AE5PH