8 Jul
8 Jul
7:53 p.m.
7-09-2020: EN67 in the morning: RS44 09:48Z 145.925, AO7 10:22Z 145.938, CAS4B 10:42Z 145.920, XW2F 10:48Z 145.985, CAS4A 10:56Z 145.865, AO73 11:02Z 145.955, XW2B 11:14Z 145.735 I am then heading to EN57 for a short stop over. I will focus on EN56 on Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning. Passes are TBD.Friday afternoon/evening I plan to make my way to EN55. Cellphone coverage is horrible in the Upper Michigan and I lose APRS connection often. Reminder this is a vacation trip and I am operating holiday style 73, Adrian AA5UK APRS: AA5UK-9
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