My former AO-40 stuff is still working with a S9 plus 20 signal all my 2.4ghz QRM is going down the drain. Sweeping the band up and down and i notice much more less QRM from devices than a couple of month ago. I just show to one of my fellow neighbour that i can access the internet through his WI-FI router. He doesn't like my demonstration and and he shut down his WI-FI he kept only the wire function as he said after all he said his wife can access the internet from their living room where there is a wire this will free up his bed from the intenet...
Just to say why so much fuss about going up keep at least a downlink on 2.4 for the next HEO birds? Just remember how many folks invest a lot of money on their AO-40 set up. I have near a 1000 QSO on AO-40 and all where conducted with stations using 2.4GHZ.
I know for those who never make a single QSO on a satellite this is probably not significant enough as the wraith says they feed on us
Q: Who are the Wraith? A: The Wraith are a powerful, hive-based species, who feed of the energy of living beings.
I prefer Teyla Emmagan :)
Thank's for the FO-29 help i found her buried in the noise of my LNK preamp in the shack as good it is on FM birds it works very bad on transponders type?
"-" The medium is the message...The content is the audience...;)
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE