Hi Andrew.
If you only want to RX on both ports, no problem I would of thought.
One problem, perhaps though; I believe you can only choose either 9K6 or 1K2 through the ports on the back of the 910.
You would have to take audio from the Ext spkr socket on the back for 1K2 on VHF and set the RX on UHF for 9K6 reception.
Usually, you have to request files and list directories from the 9K6 birds, if you want to make any sense of what's on them.
You could use UISS for VHF ISS reception, but you will need WiSP or PB/PG for decoding 9K6 data on GO-32 and or AO-51.
The AG25 and or AG35 will work independently. You will not need the pre-amp for ISS reception. A mast head pre-amp is useful for 9K6 reception.
You will have to select the pre-amp to operate from the 910 menu and then push the appropriate button on the radio.
I use a DSP2232, so no experience of the KPC9612.
Anyone else with an alternative ?
73, Dave.