--- On Tue, 30/4/13, Nick Pugh [email protected] wrote:
From the comments HEO is challenging but doable. So let's get started.
But Nick it is already started, several groups have already developed CubeSat ion motors.
The fact that, as far as I'm aware, none of the groups that have developed Ion Powered CubeSats are anywhere near launching yet shows us where the big road-block is - the lack of cheap launches.
As I see it there are three key things that need to be developed and proved in Space: 1. Large deployable CubeSat solar panels (although NEE-01 Pegasus just launched has this, be interesting to see how it performs) 2. Ion motor 3. Deployable CubeSat antenna's - if you're putting a CubeSat above 7200 km you could do with something more than a dipole, but what would you have ? and would there be issues with having both a large deployable solar array and deployable antennas.
bring up this idea at Dayton. I noticed that none of the board of directors of AMSAT have commented on this thread. If we want to go to HEO we will have to speak a little louder
I sincerely hope BOD continue to fulfill with their existing commitments rather than overstretching limited resources. But there's nothing stopping individuals experimenting with and developing the necessary technologies Deployable panels/Motor/Antennas themselves. After-all the early OSCARs were created by very small groups of people who just went out and did it.
73 Trevor M5AKA