I will activate grid DM19 (smack in the middle of NV) on August 17th during the 2130Z AO27 pass (approximate). (It must be a rare grid because even WD9EWK says he needs the grid!) There is a ghost town out there that I will visit on my way to AZ. I'll be on my HT and an ARROW. If you need a QSL for the contact, just send me an e-mail, I'll confirm with the log and send you a card. No need for SASE or return card.
I have a shameless request. I only need New Hampshire to complete my WAS satellite. Anyone in NH interested in setting up a schedule on any bird, any mode? I have a granite challenge to me east (a mountain) that limits the pass opportunities to reach the east coast, but I know I can because I have confirmed contacts with the rest of New England.
Hope the DM19 grid will increase your totals.
73, Mark
Mark Spencer, WA8SME
ARRL-The national association for Amateur Radio
Education and Technology Program Coordinator