Thanks for all the input so far, really appreciate it.  One mention - I already have the IC-9700 in the shack and hardline with room in the I'm not limited to an HT or a mobile rig from the start.

On Monday, August 28, 2023 at 09:30:34 AM CDT, Bill Booth via AMSAT-BB <[email protected]> wrote:

On 28/08/2023 10:06 a.m., GC via AMSAT-BB wrote:
> olks,
> Looking for some guidance.

Depends on what trans/recv equip you have, and is it base or mobile.  Since mine
is homebase only I will put my comments towards that.  You should put all the new
monies into the antennas and the rotors.  Mine are old KLM 14/22 element X types
with no preamps but full rotation with Yaesu rotors.  This gives me access to all
sats easily and with the software available today works great.  My tower is just
high enough to clear the roof.

Bill Booth VE3NXK
Sundridge ON, Canada
79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N

Visit my weather WebCam at

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