It's been done a number of times, though like most things, it's a compromise that will work better for some satellites than others.
The thing about the Elk or Arrow that works well with their usual (hand-held) use is that they are linearly polarized, but mounted on a 3-axis rotor system (your wrist) which can compensate for Azimuth, Elevation, and also rotate to match the polarization of a linearly polarized satellite. Many satellites are linear right now, so a fixed mounting will mean you will get some deep fading as the satellite spins. It's not unworkable - I have an Az / El rotor system with a vertically polarized 2m beam (not an Arrow), and I've learned to adapt.
The fixed Elevation is actually less of an issue. Put it at about 20 degrees up, and you should be good to go. Satellites spend most of their time NOT being directly overhead, and those antennas are not so sharp in their reception pattern anyway. And when the satellite is overhead it's also a lot closer, so that compensates a bit.
The last tip is that I don't think either antenna were designed for extended outdoor use, so they may deteriorate faster than otherwise, depending on your particular weather patterns.
But, as with most thing in this hobby, give it a try. The worst thing that will happen is that you will learn something.
Greg KO6TH
[email protected] wrote:
This may have been discussed before forgive me if it has I am new at this.
I was wondering if an Elk or Arrow antenna mounted on a mast at an angle with a TV rotor would work as a base antenna for Satellite work. Has anyone done this and any tips on how you have been successful. If this does not work what would be the best antenna other than beams for under $200.00 to do this? Thanks for your information.
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