I have personally been trying to find this as well. The best resource I have found so far involves cross checking satellite descriptions on aprs.org (http://www.aprs.org/astars.html) with peoples reports of satellites being operational on AMSAT (https://www.amsat.org/status/). That’s clunky though and I’m not at all sure if it’s a complete view of APRS enabled satellites. For example isn’t there a FalconSat-3 that I should be seeing? I don’t see that one on the Amsat list. Anyways I look forward to other responses on this thread!
On Mar 2, 2021, 4:50 AM -0800, Timothy Tapio <[email protected]>, wrote:
Trying to figure out which birds are currently flying that have active packet capability. Information seems to be outdated from what I can find....

Anyone know when ISS will address their packet/APRS issue?

Going to dial up the 145.825 on my discone with the preamp and see if I hear anything....SATPC only had I think two listed showing the packet freq....

Anyone have a good grasp on the subject?

73 de Tim  K4SHF


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